Golomt Bank, a leader in the banking and financial sector, officially started the primary market trading on November 23, 2022 to collect MNT 103.3 billion from the public. On the first day of the primary trading, the plan was completed by 110.7% and the IPO with the highest amount in the history of the Mongolian Stock Exchange, or MNT 114.4 billion, and the process of offering shares to the public was successfully completed.
This time, Golomt Bank informs you that pursuant to article 46.1 the Company Law of Mongolia, Clause 5.3 and 9.2.12 of Golomt Bank’s Charter and the decision adopted during the irregular Board of Directors meeting to distribute the dividend allocation stock on February 15, 2023.
The dividend is determined to be distributed to the shareholders to allocate MNT 50 for each ordinary share from the net profit of the financial year 2022. The registration date of the shareholders qualified for dividend allocation shall be consistent with the date of the Annual general shareholders’ meeting (AGM) registration date and the dividend through the Mongolian Central Securities Depository MCSD in each individual shareholders’ account 60 (sixty) days after the permission to allocate dividend is provided from the respective regulator.
Open Bank – Golomt Bank