Golomt Bank signs long-term loan agreement with Saison Investment Management Private Limited

Golomt Bank signs long-term loan agreement with Saison Investment Management Private Limited

Golomt Bank, one of Mongolia’s leading commercial banks announces that it has obtained a senior unsecured long-term loan from Saison Investment Management Private Limited /SIMPL/, the cross-border lending arm of Saison International Pte. Ltd. Long term USD financing has been disbursed in April 2024 from Saison Investment Management to Golomt Bank. Saison International is the international headquarters of Japan’s Credit Saison, one of Japan’s largest lending companies, listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

Golomt Bank has been committed to supporting the accessibility of simple and reliable financial service to its customers, and enabling financial inclusion to micro, small and medium sized enterprises /MSMEs/, woman-led and water related businesses which delivers a positive impact in Mongolia.

This disbursement marks SIMPL’s initial investment in Mongolian market, and Golomt Bank is truly excited to partner with SIMPL to further explore opportunities to enable financial inclusion in the Mongolian MSME sector for sustainable development.

“We are truly pleased to work with SIMPL with the purpose of facilitating financial inclusion in the Mongolian SME market for a fair and equal opportunity, which we’ve been focusing on for the last few years. Understanding the needs of our customers and sharing their vision to grow would be an important part of our business culture, and we’re excited to collaborate with SIMPL to walk together through this journey as a partner with the same value.” said Enkhzaya Bayarsaikhan, Head of International Banking Division of Golomt Bank.

“We see tremendous potential in Mongolia given the wide-ranging reforms that are taking place to improve fiscal sustainability, resilience, and reduction of public debt. By partnering with Golomt Bank, one of the banking giants in the country, we immediately gain exposure to the market through a robust, well-led and leading financial player in the market. Through enabling the lending activity in Mongolia, we hope to make a contribution to the uplifting of micro, small and medium sized enterprises and the people and households behind these businesses to drive greater financial access and positive impact” said Claudia Rojas, Head of SIMPL.

About Saison International and SIMPL

Saison International is a global financial company with a mission to bring people, partners and technology together, creating resilient and innovative financial solutions for positive impact. The company is committed to being a transformative partner in creating opportunities and enabling the dreams of people, across its business arms of lending, corporate venture capital and technology innovation.

Saison International is based in Singapore, with over 1,000 employees working across its global operations spanning Singapore, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Mexico, Brazil.

The company is the international headquarters of Credit Saison Company Limited, founded in 1951, and is one of Japan’s largest lending companies with over 25 million card holders in Japan. Credit Saison is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange and has a Balance Sheet of US$27 billion with over 3,950 employees. The company has evolved from a credit-card issuer to a diversified financial services provider with presence across five segments – payments, leasing, finance, real estate, and entertainment.

Saison Investment Management Private Limited (SIMPL) is the cross-border lending arm of Saison International. SIMPL operates with a commitment to foster inclusive growth in emerging and frontier markets by providing debt financing to specialized financial services providers, early-stage and tech-enabled companies that operate at the intersection of inclusion and innovation in emerging and frontier markets such as Cambodia, Mongolia, and more.

For more information, visit https://saison-international.com and https://saison-international.com/saison-investment-management/


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