The Board of Directors of Golomt Bank convenes quarterly meetings and regularly discusses the following reports related to monitoring the daily operations of Golomt Bank:
1. Macro-Economic update
2. Financial results, budget and plan implementation and process reports
3. Comprehensive risk report, including:
Financial risks:
Non-financial risks:
4. Related party transaction report
5. Credit committee operations report
The Board of Directors of Golomt Bank convenes irregular meetings when necessary, depending on the issues to be resolved. In the past, the meeting was held once a month on average.
Resolution number : 00/01
Discussed issue : On making amendments to the organization of the Irregular Shareholders Meeting
Decision : Appoint President of Golomt Bank Mr. Ganbold G., a representator of minority shareholders, as the Chairman of the Meeting and change the ballots of the Shareholders Meeting accordingly. The voting of the shareholders' meeting was approved, and the voting in advance was provided through ballots.
Resolution number : 00/01-1
Discussed issue : Board Chairperson election
Decision : Elect Mrs. Munkhtsetseg Chultem as the Chairperson of the Board of Directors of Golomt Bank.
Resolution number : 00/01-2
Discussed issue : Board Committee membership
Decision : Approved the membership structure of the Audit Committee, Risk Management Committee, and Governance, Ethics, Remuneration and Nomination Committee.
Resolution number : 00/02
Discussed issue : Golomt Bank's revised organizational structure
Decision : Approved the revised organizational structure of Golomt Bank as indicated per Attachment 1 of this Resolution.
Resolution number : 00/03
Discussed issue : Approval of Golomt Bank's Budget and Business Plan 2023
Decision : Approved Golomt Bank's Budget and Business Plan 2023.
Resolution number : 00/04
Discussed issue : Loan write-off from provision
Decision :
1.Grant the right to write off the non-performing loans of 5 borrowers as indicated in the Appendix 1, worth of MNT 19.7 million, plus the interest payment of MNT 8.8 million as of 15th January, 2023 in total MNT 28.5 balance, from the provisions established along with the accumulated interest as of the day of transaction.
2.Grant the right to write off the non-performing loans of 2 borrowers as indicated in the Appendix 2, worth MNT 0.4 million, plus the interest payment of MNT 0.3 million as of 15th January, 2023 in total MNT 0.7 balance, from the provisions established along with the accumulated interest as of the day of transaction.
3.Grant the right to write off the non-performing receivables of 115 borrowers as indicated in the Appendix 3 and 4 worth in total MNT 5.4 million from the provisions established.
4.Assign the duty to continue the repayment processes of written-off receivables as indicated in the Appendix 3 of this Resolution, to the Chief Executive Officer /Norihiko Kato/.
Discussed issue : Employee ownership of shares
Decision : ESOP proposal for bank employees
Resolution number : 00/05
Discussed issue : On establishing cooperation agreement
Decision : Granting the right to establish Cooperation agreement with Golomt Capital LLC
Discussed issue : All staff 2022 second half bonus issue
Decision : All staff 2022 second half bonus
Resolution number : 00/06
Discussed issue : Selection of Independent audit firm
Decision : Select KPMG Audit LLC as the external audit firm for a term of three years to engage in annual financial audit services of 2023-2025.
Resolution number : 00/07
Discussed issue : Dividend allocation
Decision :
1.Grant the right to Golomt Bank to allocate MNT 50 for each ordinary share from the net profit of the financial year 2022.
2.The registration date of the shareholders qualified for dividend allocation shall be consistent with the date of the Annual general shareholders' meeting (AGM) registration date, as indicated in the Resolution calling on the AGM.
3.Allocate the dividend through the Mongolian Central Secuirities Depository MCSD in each individual shareholders' account, 60 (sixty) days after the permission to allocate dividend is provided from the respective regulator.
Resolution number : 00/08
Discussed issue :On calling Shareholders Meeting (Annual General Meeting)
Decision : Call and convene the Shareholders' Meeting of Golomt Bank on April 26, 2023.
Resolution number : 00/09
Discussed issue : Approval of the Bank's 2022 operational, financial and audited financial report
Decision : Approve the Bank's 2022 operational, financial results and PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit LLC audited financial report conclusion.
Resolution number : 00/10
Discussed issue : Approval of Risk Appetite Statement - 2023
Decision : Approved Risk Appetite Statement 2023 in accordance with Business plan 2023.
Resolution number : 00/11
Discussed issue : Nomination Committee of the Board
Decision : Established the Nomination Committee and approved Nomination Committee's Charter and membership.
Resolution number : 00/12
Discussed issue : Approval of the Golomt Bank "Recovery Plan"
Decision :Approved the Recovery Plan of Golomt Bank.
Resolution number : 00/13
Discussed issue : Head office development agreement
Decision : Grant the right to Golomt Bank to enter into a head office building construction agreement worth MNT 600 billion with Elite Estate Development LLC.
Resolution number : 00/14
Discussed issue : Board Chairperson election
Decision : Elect Mrs. Munkhtsetseg Chultem as the Chairperson of the Board of Directors of Golomt Bank.
Resolution number : 00/15
Discussed issue : Board Committee membership
Decision : Approved the membership of the Board Committees.
Resolution number : 00/16
Discussed issue : Governance, Ethics, Remuneration Committee of the Board
Decision : Re-established Governance, Ethics, Remuneration Committee and approved its Charter and membership.
Resolution number : 00/17
Discussed issue : CEO bonus
Decision : Evaluated CEO's Contract performance and approved the bonus.
Resolution number : 00/18
Discussed issue : CEO contract extension
Decision : Extended CEO's contract by one year.
Resolution number : 00/19
Discussed issue : Approval of the Golomt Bank "Recovery Plan - 2023"
Decision : Approved Golomt Bank's "Recovery Plan - 2023".
Resolution number : 00/20
Discussed issue : Golomt bank's revised Organizational Structure
Decision : Approved the revised organizational structure of Golomt Bank as indicated per Attachment 1.
Resolution number : 00/21
Discussed issue : Resignation of Chief Audit Officer
Decision : A.Odonbaatar, Chief Audit Officer of Golomt Bank has been resigned from his duties as he is appointed to the position of Deputy CEO. The duties of Chief Audit Officer shall be assigned to Director of Internal Audit Division /А.Tuya/.
Resolution number : 00/22
Discussed issue : Amendment of the Credit Committee Charter and Authority Matrix
Decision : Approved Credit Committee Charter and Authority Matrix in approval of Credit.
Resolution number : 00/23
Discussed issue : Write-Off of Asset
Decision : Granted the right to write-off non-performing loan and similar assets of total worth MNT 6.758 million from the balance.
1. Discussed issue : 2023 1st half year Financial Results
Decision : 2023 1st half year Financial Results
2. Discussed issue : Macro-Economic Update
Decision : Macro-Economic Update
3. Discussed issue : Update of digital products introduction
Decision : Update of digital products introduction
4. Discussed issue : Funding (long-term borrowing) update
Decision : Funding (long-term borrowing) update
5. Discussed issue : Sustainable Finance update
Decision : Sustainable Finance update
6. Discussed issue : International Banking Division business plan
Decision : International Banking Division business plan
7. Discussed issue : Audit committee 2023 Q2 report
Decision : Audit committee 2023 Q2 report
8. Discussed issue : Risk Management committee 2023 Q2 report
Decision : Risk Management committee 2023 Q2 report
9. Discussed issue : Governance, Ethics, Remuneration committee 2023 Q2 report
Decision : Governance, Ethics, Remuneration committee 2023 Q2 report
10. Discussed issue : Nomination committee 2023 Q2 report
Decision : Nomination committee 2023 Q2 report
1. Discussed issue : Macro-Economic Update
Decision : Macro-Economic Update
2. Discussed issue : 2023 3rd Quarter Financial results
Decision : 2023 3rd Quarter Financial results
3. Discussed issue : 2023 3rd Quarter CEO Report
Decision : 2023 3rd Quarter CEO Report
4. Discussed issue : Fee update
Decision : Fee update
5. Discussed issue : Audit Committee 2023 3rd Quarter Report
Decision : Audit Committee 2023 3rd Quarter Report
6. Discussed issue : Risk Management committee 2023 Q3 report
Decision : Risk Management committee 2023 Q3 report
7. Discussed issue : Nomination committee 2023 Q3 report
Decision : Nomination committee 2023 Q3 report
8. Discussed issue : Next Board meeting date
Decision : Next Board meeting date
Resolution number : 00/24
Discussed issue : Approval of loan financing
Decision : Approved the bank to establish a Loan agreement with Microfinance Enhancement Facility S.A., SICAV-SIF according to terms and conditions presented by the Management team.
Resolution number : 00/25
Discussed issue : Approval of loan financing
Decision : Approved the bank to establish a Loan agreement with Financing for Healthier Lives, DAC according to terms and conditions presented by the Management team.
Resolution number : 00/26
Discussed issue : Approval of loan financing
Decision : Approved the bank to establish a Loan agreement with Global Climate Partnership Fund S.A., SICAV-SIF according to terms and conditions presented by the Management team.
Resolution number : 00/27
Discussed issue : Approval of loan financing
Decision : Approved the bank to establish a Loan agreement with EMF Microfinance Fund AGmvK according to terms and conditions presented by the Management team.
Resolution number : 00/28
Discussed issue : Approval of loan financing
Decision : Approved the bank to establish a Loan agreement with responsAbility Investment AG according to terms and conditions presented by the Management team.
Resolution number : 00/29
Discussed issue : Grant right to increase budgeted expenditure
Decision : Grant the right to increase the budgeted expense related to promotion and activation of international credit card transaction by MNT 682.4 million and increase the card fee income by MNT 682.4 million from the partner organization support funding.
Resolution number : 00/30
Discussed issue : Board Committee membership
Decision :
1. Approve the Membership structure of the Audit Committee as follows:
a. Audit Committee Chairperson:
i. James B. Dwyer /Ind. Dir./
b. Audit Committee Members:
i. Robert W. van Zwieten /Ind. Dir./
ii. Alexander Picker /Ind. Dir./
iii. Ch. Munkhtsetseg
iv. D.Munkhtur
2. Approve the Membership structure of the Risk Management Committee as follows:
a. RMCommittee Chairperson:
i. Alexander Picker /Ind. Dir./
b. RMComiittee Members:
i. James B. Dwyer /Ind. Dir./
ii. Robert W.Van Zwieten /Ind. Dir./
iii. Ch. Munkhtsetseg
iv. J.Unenbat
3. Approve the Membership structure of the Nomination committee as follows:
a. NCommittee Chairperson:
i. Alexander Picker /Ind. Dir./
b. NCommittee Members:
i. Robert W. van /Ind. Dir./
ii. Ch. Munkhtsetseg
4. Approve the Membership structure of the Governance, ethics, remuneration committee as follows:
a. GERCommittee Chairperson:
i. James B. Dwyer /Ind. Dir./
b. GERCommittee Members:
i. Alexander Picker /Ind. Dir./
ii. Ch. Munkhtsetseg
Resolution number : 00/31
Discussed issue : Golomt bank
Decision : Grant the right to increase the budgeted expense related to promotion and activation of international credit card transaction by MNT 682.4 million and increase the card fee income by MNT 682.4 million from the partner organization support funding.
Resolution number : 00/32
Discussed issue : Sale of bank real estate property
Decision : Grant the right to the bank to sell " Embassy Residence" office space to Embassy Residence LLC.
Discussed issue : Macro-Economic Update
Decision : Macro-Economic Update
Resolution number : 00/33
Discussed issue :
Golomt Bank's 2024 Business Plan and Budget:
-CEO Report
-Business plan and budget 2024
-Policies renewal
-Projects and programmes
Decision : Approved Golomt Bank's 2024 Budget and Business Plan as per the Attachment 1 of this Resolution.
Resolution number : 00/34
Discussed issue : Loan write-off from provision
Decision :
1.Grant the right to write off MNT 4,687.3 million of non-performing loans of 720 borrowers as indicated in the Appendix 1 and Appendix 3, plus the interest payment of MNT 1,672.7 million as of 30th November 2023, in total MNT 6,360.1 million from the provisions established along with the accumulated interest as of the day of transaction.
2.Grant the right to write off MNT 12.4 million of non-performing loan of 6 borrowers as indicated in the Appendix 2, plus the interest payment MNT 1.2 million interest payment as of 30th November 2023, in total of 13.6 million along with the accumulated interest as of the day of transaction.
3.Grant the right to write-off MNT 6.2 million receivables of 83 customers as indicated in the Appendix 4 and Appendix 5 from the provisions established.
Resolution number : 00/35
Discussed issue : Golomt Bank's Revised Organizational Structure
Decision : Approve the revised organizational structure of Golomt Bank as indicated per Attachment 1 of this resolution.
Resolution number : 00/36
Discussed issue : Approval of Golomt Bank Policies
Decision : Approved Golomt Bank's Information Technology Policy, Information Security Policy, Data Management Policy, Asset and Liability Management Policy, Human Resource Management Policy, Marketing Policy, Customer Centric Banking Policy, Business Process Management Policy, Compliance Policy, Credit Policy, Risk Management Policy.
Discussed issue : Audit Committee 4th Quarter Report.
Decision : AAudit Committee 4th Quarter Report.
Resolution number : 00/37
Discussed issue : Approval of "Risk Appetite Statement - 2024"
Decision : Approved Golomt Bank's "Risk Appetite Statement - 2024"
Resolution number : 00/38
Discussed issue : Approval of 2024 Budget and Operational Plan of Internal Audit Division
Decision : Approved Golomt Bank's Internal Audit Function units' "Midterm strategic goals 2024-2026", "2024 Operational Plan", IAD's audit plan, DAU's work plan, Golomt Bank's Internal Audit Function units' Budget 2024
Resolution number : 00/39
Discussed issue : Approval of Golomt Bank Code of Conduct
Decision : Approved the Golomt Bank Code of Conduct and its' implementation plan.
Discussed issue : Nomination Committee report
Decision : Nomination Committee report
Discussed issue : Next Board Meeting date
Decision : Next Board Meeting date
Resolution number : 00/40
Discussed issue : Working group establishing
Decision : Established the working group and approved its members.
Resolution number : 00/01
Decision : Approve the senior loan agreement to be entered into between Golomt Bank JSC as the Borrower and HANSAINVEST FINANCE I GMBH & CO. GESCHILOSSENE of which has been reviewed by the Board, and hereby authorizes borrowing by the Company of the Loan (as defined below) on the principal terms and conditions set out below and as further detailed in the Loan Agreement.
Resolution number : 00/02
Discussed Item : Grant right to increase budgeted expenditure
Decision : Grant the right to increase the budgeted capital expense for the purchase of land and unfinished building.
Resolution number : 00/03
Discussed Item : Approval of general cooperation agreement
Decision : Grant the right to the Bank to establish a strategic partnership agreement with Mandal Insurance JSC as per the conditions presented.
Resolution number : 00/04
Discussed Item : Dividend allocation
Decision : Grant the right to Golomt Bank to allocated MNT 90 for each ordinary share from the net profit of the financial year 2023. The registration date of the shareholders qualified for dividend allocation shall be consistent with the date of the Annual general shareholders' meeting (AGM) registration date, as indicated in the Resolution calling on the AGM. Allocate the dividend through the Mongolian Central Securities Depository (MCSD) in each individual shareholders' account, 60 (sixty) days after the permission to allocate dividend is provided from the respective regulator.
Resolution number : 00/05
Discussed Item : Call for annual general meeting of shareholders
Decision :
1. Call on the regular meeting of the shareholders of Golomt Bank on 15th April, 2024 at 09 am at the Main Hall of the Shangri-La Hotel, Ulaanbaatar.
2. Approve the items of business as follows:
2.1. Golomt Bank 2023 operational and financial report
2.2. Board conclusion of the Bank’s 2023 operational and financial report
2.3. 2023 audited financial results by independent auditor
2.4. Dividend distribution decision of the Board from net profit of 2023
2.5. Work report of the Board of Directors of 2023 and 2024 remuneration budget
2.6. Appointment of Board of Directors
2.7. Employee Stock Ownership Program
3. Determine the date of establishing list of shareholders who have right to attend the meeting as of 25th March, 2024.
4. Date for announcing about calling on the shareholders’ meeting, shall be set within 10th March, 2024 pursuant to the Clause 65.4 of Article 65 of the Company Law of Mongolia.
Resolution number : 00/06
Discussed Item : Approval of general cooperation agreement
Decision : Approve the Strategic partnership agreement amendment of conditions and terms extension established with Easy Pay LLC. Grant the right to the Chief Executive Officer /Norihiko Kato/ to sign on behalf of the bank to establish the relevant agreements.
Resolution number : 00/07
Discussed Item : Authorize engagement with SAISON INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT PRIVATE LIMITED.
Decision : Approve the Strategic partnership agreement amendment of conditions and terms extension established with Easy Pay LLC. Grant the right to the Chief Executive Officer /Norihiko Kato/ to sign on behalf of the bank to establish the relevant agreements.
Discussed Item : Macro-economic review
Decision : Macro-economic review
Discussed Item : Financial and operational report 2023
Decision : Financial and operational report 2023
Discussed Item : 2024 February end result, 2024 Q1 projection
Decision : 2024 February end result, 2024 Q1 projection
Resolution number : 00/08
Discussed Item : Update report on project milestone: Approval of general cooperation agreement
Decision : Grant the right to the Bank to make bond offering of up to USD 300 million in the international capital market
Resolution number : 00/09
Discussed Item : Audit Committee report: Approval of the Audited financial results
Decision : Approve the Bank's 2023 operational, financial results and KPMG Audit LLC audited financial report conclusion
Resolution number : 00/10
Discussed Item : Risk Management Committee 2024 Q1 report: Approval of additional booking and delegation of authority to use Golomt Bank's Operational risk reserve provision
Decision : Approve additional booking of Operational risk reserve provision as per Attachment 1 of this resolution
Discussed Item : Recovery Plan 2024
Decision : Recovery Plan 2024 has been reviewed and postponed for further discussion
Discussed Item : Nomination Committee 2024 Q1 report
Decision : Nomination Committee 2024 Q1 report
Resolution number : 00/11
Discussed Item : Approval of "Recovery Plan - 2024"
Decision : Approve Golomt Bank's "Recovery Plan - 2024" per attachment. By the approval of the "Recovery Plan 2024", the "Recover Plan 2023" approved by the Board of Directors 23th June, 2023, shall be rendered void.
Resolution number : 00/12
Discussed Item : Amendment of the Credit Committee Charter
Decision :
Amend the Article 2 Clause 2.1 of the “Credit Committee charter” approved by the resolution No. 00/22 dated June 23, 2023 of the Board of Directors of Golomt Bank, “STRUCTURE AND ORGANIZATION” as follows: The committee consists of the following members. It includes:
Chairman: Head of the Credit Division;
Vice Chairman: Head of Risk Management Division;
Members: Head of Retail Banking Division; Head of Corporate Banking Division; Head of SME Banking Division;
Secretary: Credit Committee Secretary.
Changes specified in this Resolution shall be followed until April 30, 2024. The rules of the Credit Committee approved by the resolution No. 00/22 of the Board of Directors of Golomt Bank dated June 23, 2023 shall be followed, from the date of the expiry of this resolution.
Resolution number : 00/13
Discussed Item : Election of Board Chairperson
Decision : Elect Mrs. Munkhtsetseg Chultem as the Chairperson of the Board of Directors of Golomt Bank.
Resolution number : 00/14
Discussed Item : Issuance of Senior unsecured
Decision : Authorize Golomt Bank to issue senior unsecured notes in the amount of USD 300,000,000 (Three hundred million) to be distributed under RegS/144A rules, payable at the end of the three-year term and publicly traded on the Singapore Stock Exchange, with the term specified in the term sheet as appended to this Resolution. Authorize the Chief Executive Officer /Norihiko Kato/ to proceed with the issuance and sales of Notes on generally the terms presented to the Board and manage the operations relating to the completion of the process.
Resolution number : 00/15
Discussed Item : Termination of CEO Contract
Decision : In accordance with the end of term of the Contract established between the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Norihiko Kato, it is hereby resolved to not extend the term of the Contract.
In connection with the termination of contract concluded with Chief Executive Officer, grant the right to the Nomination Committee /Alexander Picker/ to oversee the duty transfer and appoint a working committee responsible for the proper transfer and receival of documents, properties, and duties within 31st July, 2024 in accordance with the laws and regulations.
Assign the Chief Executive Officer /Norihiko Kato/ to continue the management of the day-to-day operations of the bank during the duty transfer period.
Resolution number : 00/16
Discussed Item : Appointment of Chief Executive Officer
Decision : Grant the right to appoint Mongolian citizen Mr. Odonbaatar Amarzaya as the Chief Executive Officer of Golomt Bank upon negotiation with the Bank of Mongolia from 01st August, 2024 to the Chairperson /Ch. Munkhtsetseg/.
Assign the duty to establish the requisite contract with Mr. A.Odonbaatar through the negotiation of the terms of the agreement along with remuneration and compensation to the Chairperson /Ch. Munkhtsetseg/.
Assign the duty to manage the process of obtaining the requisite permission from the Bank of Mongolia for the appointment of Chief Executive Officer to the Secretary of the Board /Z.Solongo/.
Resolution number : 00/17
Discussed Item : Authorize engagement with responsAbility Financial Inclusion Investment 2024 DAC
Decision : Approve the senior loan agreement to be entered into between Golomt Bank JSC as the Borrower and responsAbility Financial Inclusion Investment 2024 DAC as the Lender, final draft of which has been reviewed by the Board, and hereby authorizes borrowing by the Company of the Loan (as defined below) from responsAbility Financial Inclusion Investment 2024 DAC in the amounts and on the principal terms and conditions set out below and as further detailed in the Loan Agreement.
Total amount: USD 6,000,000
Resolution number : 00/18
Discussed Item : Approval of 2024 ICAAP, ILAAP draft reports
Decision : Approve the ICAAP (Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process) and ILAAP (Internal Liquidity Adequacy Assessment Process) draft reports. Assign the Chief Executive Officer /Norihiko Kato/ to deliver the reports to the Central Bank.
Resolution number : 00/19
Discussed Item : About the liquidation of "NIG" LLC
Decision : To liquidate NIG LLC, a company confiscated for loan collateral of the Bank. Golomt Bank JSC Chier Executive Director Norihiko Kato should be given the right to sign the decision to withdraw from the meeting of shareholders representing Golomt Bank JSC at the meeting of shareholders of NIG LLC on the liquidation of NIG LLC.
Resolution number : 00/20
Discussed Item : Approval of cooperation agreement
Decision : Grant the right to the Bank to establish cooperation agreement with Golomt Capital LLC as per the conditions presented. Grant the right to the Chief Executive Officer /Norihiko Kato/ to sign on behalf of the bank to establish the relevant agreements.
Resolution number : 00/21
Discussed Item : Appointment of Chief Executive Officer
Decision : Appoint Mr. Odonbaatar Amarzaya as the Chief Execuitve Officer of Golomt Bank commencing from 24th July, 2024.
Discussed Item : 2024 First half year report
Decision : 2024 First half year report
Discussed Item : Macro-Economic update
Decision : Macro-Economic update
Discussed Item : Financial results of 2024 first half
Decision : Financial results of 2024 first half
Resolution number : 00/22
Discussed Item : Golomt Bank's 2024 Budget and Business Plan revision
Decision : Approve Golomt bank's 2024 Budget revision as per the Attachment 1 of ths Resolution. Assign the Chief Execuitve Officer /A.Odonbaatar/ to make the necessary management to ensure implementation of the budget.
Discussed Item : Competitor Analysis
Decision : Competitor Analysis
Discussed Item : Progress report on Digital Transformation Division /Progress report on ongoing projects/
Decision : Progress report on Digital Transformation Division /Progress report on ongoing projects/
Discussed Item : Progress report on Customer Registration Division
Decision : Customer Registration Division report
Discussed Item : Progress report on Customer Experience Division
Decision : Customer Experience Division report
Discussed Item : Progress report on Leasing Center operations
Decision : Leasing Center operations report
Discussed Item : Progress report on Golomt Plaza – new head office project
Decision : Progress report on Golomt Plaza – new head office project
Discussed Item : Audit committee 2024 Q2 report
Decision : Audit committee 2024 Q2 report
Discussed Item : Risk Management committee 2024 Q2 report
Decision : Risk Management committee 2024 Q2 report
Discussed Item : Nomination committee 2024 Q2 report
Decision : Nomination committee 2024 Q2 report
Resolution number : 00/23
Discussed Item : Sale of bank real estate property
Decision : Grant the right to the Bank to sell 66.88 meter square Park Place office space to Easy Pay LLC.
Resolution number : 00/24
Discussed Item : Approval of amendment in Golomt Bank’s Compliance policy
Decision : Amend the Risk appetite framework of the Appendix No.2 of Compliance Policy.
Discussed item: Macro-Economic update
Decision: Macro-Economic update
Discussed item: Financial results of the 3rd Quarter 2024
Decision: Financial results of the 3rd Quarter 2024
Discussed item: IFRS S1, S2 consultancy from PWC results
Decision: IFRS S1, S2 consultancy from PWC results
Discussed item: Fund raising
Decision: Presented fund raising suggestions
Resolution number : 00/25
Decision: Approve the senior loan agreement to be entered into between Golomt Bank JSC as the Borrower and EMF MICROFINANCE FUND AGmvK (“EMF”) as the Lender, final draft of which has been reviewed by the Board, and hereby authorizes borrowing by the Company of the Loan from the Lender in the amounts and on the principal terms and conditions set out below and as further detailed in the Loan Agreement.
Resolution number : 00/26
Decision: Approve the senior loan agreement to be entered into between Golomt Bank JSC (“Company”) as the Borrower and Global Climate Partnership Fund SA SICAV-SIF (“GCPF”) as the Lender (Facility Agreement”), final draft of which has been reviewed by the Board, and hereby authorizes borrowing by the Company of the Loan (as defined below) from the Lender in the amounts and on the principal terms and conditions set out below and as further detailed in the Loan Agreement.
Resolution number : 00/027
Decision: Approve the senior loan agreement to be entered into between Golomt Bank JSC (“Company”) as the Borrower and GLOBAL GENDER SMART FUND S.A., SICAV-SIF (“GGSF”) as the Lender (“Loan Agreement”), final draft of which has been reviewed by the Board, and hereby authorizes borrowing by the Company of the Loan (as defined below) from the Lender in the amounts and on the principal terms and conditions set out below and as further detailed in the Loan Agreement.
Resolution number : 00/28
Decision: Approve the senior loan agreement to be entered into between Golomt Bank JSC (“Company”) as the Borrower and MICRO, SMALL & MEDIUM ENTERPRISES BONDS S.A., as the Lender (“Loan Agreement”), final draft of which has been reviewed by the Board, and hereby authorizes borrowing by the Company of the Loan (as defined below) from the Lender in the amounts and on the principal terms and conditions set out below and as further detailed in the Loan Agreement.
Resolution number : 00/29
Decision: Approve the senior loan agreement to be entered into between Golomt Bank JSC (“Company”) as the Borrower and SYMBIOTICS SICAV II, as the Lender (“Loan Agreement”), final draft of which has been reviewed by the Board, and hereby authorizes borrowing by the Company of the Loan (as defined below) from the Lender in the amounts and on the principal terms and conditions set out below and as further detailed in the Loan Agreement.
Resolution number : 00/30
Discussed item: Board Audit Committee membership change
Decision: Approve the amended Membership structure of the Audit Committee as follows:
a. Audit Committee Chairperson:
i. James B. Dwyer /Ind. Dir./
b. Audit Committee Members:
i. Alexander Picker /Ind. Dir./
ii. Hans Holzhacker /Ind. Dir./
iii. Ch. Munkhtsetseg
iv. D. Munkhtur
Resolution number : 00/31
Discussed item: Approval of Golomt Bank Policies
Decision: Approve the Golomt Bank’s “AML Compliance program 2024-2026” per Appendix №1 of this Resolution.
Resolution number : 00/32
Discussed item: Approval of Golomt Bank General strategic principles for shareholding diversification and fundraising
Decision: Approve the Golomt Bank general strategic principles plan for shareholding diversification and fundraising as per the Appendix №1 of this Resolution.
Resolution number : 00/33
Discussed item: Approval of amendment in the Charter of the Governance, Ethics, and Remuneration
Committee of the Board of Directors
Decision: Approve the amendment to the Charter of the Governance, Ethics and Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors.
Discussed item: Risk Management Committee 3rd Quarter report
Decision: Risk Management Committee 3rd Quarter report
Resolution number : 00/34
Discussed item: Approval of Renewed Nomination Committee Charter
Decision: Approve the renewed the Charter of the Nomination Committee of the Board of Directors according to the Appendix №1 of this Resolution.
Discussed item: Other;
Next BoD Meeting date.
Resolution number : 00/35
Discussed item: Factoring service permission
Decision: Approve the Bank to carry out Factoring service under permit from the Financial Regulatory Commission.
Discussed Item : Loan request related to Khanguud Properties LLC
Decision : Supported to issue an uncovered guarantee to Khanguud Properties LLC
Decision : Decision adopted by the supporting votes of the Independent Board Directors
Discussed Item : Loan request related to Undur Ulaan Travel LLC
Decision : Supported to issue an investment loan to Undur Ulaan Travel LLC
Decision : Decision adopted by the supporting votes of the Independent Board Directors
Discussed Item : Loan request related to Golomt Capital Securities LLC
Decision : Requested for a stock market update and decided to issue the loan.
Decision : Decision adopted by the supporting votes of the Independent Board Directors
Discussed Item : Loan request related to Bayasgalan D
Decision : Decided to issue an investment loan to Bayasgalan D
Decision : Decision adopted by the supporting votes of the Independent Board Directors
Discussed Item : Loan request related to Bodi International LLC
Decision : Decided to issue a working capital loan to Bodi International LLC
Decision : Decision adopted by the supporting votes of the Independent Board Directors
Discussed Item : Loan request related to Easy Pay LLC
Decision : Decided to issue a loan for office space purchase to Easy Pay LLC
Decision : Decision adopted by the supporting votes of the Independent Board Directors
Discussed Item : Loan request related to Ashid Golomt NBFI LLC
Decision : Decided to issue a credit line for Ashid Golomt NBFI LLC.
Decision : Decision adopted by the supporting votes of the Independent Board Directors
Discussed Item : Loan request related to Tsetsens Mining and Energy LLC
Decision : Decided to issue an investment loan to Tsetsens Mining and Energy LLC.
Decision : Decision adopted by the supporting votes of the Independent Board Directors
Discussed Item : Loan request related to Bayasgalan D.
Decision : Decided to issue a working capital loan to Bayasgalan D.
Decision : Decision adopted by the supporting votes of the Independent Board Directors
Discussed Item : Loan request related to Easy Pay LLC
Decision : Decided to issue a business loan to Easy Pay LLC.
Decision : Decision adopted by the supporting votes of the Independent Board Directors
Discussed Item : Loan request related to Golomt Capital Securities LLC
Decision : Decided to increase a credit line for Golomt Capital LLC.
Decision : Decision adopted by the supporting votes of the Independent Board Directors
Discussed Item : Sale of office space at Embassy Residence
Decision : Decided to sell an office space of Golomt Bank located in Embassy Residence office to Embassy Residence LLC.
Decision : Decision adopted by the supporting votes of the Independent Board Directors
1. Discussed Item : Approval of general cooperation agreement
Decision : Grant the right to the Bank to establish a strategic partnership agreement with Mandal Insurance JSC as per the conditions presented.
Decision : Decision adopted by the supporting votes of the Independent Board Directors
1. Discussed Item : On granting permission to enter into an Asset trust management agreement with Buuruljuutiin Tal LLC
Decision : Approve to establish an Asset trust management agreement with Buuruljuutiin Tal LLC
Decision : Decision adopted by the supporting votes of the Independent Board Directors
2. Discussed Item : Confiscation of shares of Steppe Beverage KFT as collateral for loan
Decision : Approved to confiscate 52,193,070 shares of APU JSC on the name of Steppe Beverage KFT as a loan collateral, and to pay the fee to Golomt Capital Security LLC.
Decision : Decision adopted by the supporting votes of the Independent Board Directors
3. Discussed Item : Credit request of Mongolian Mortgage Corporation LLC
Decision : To approve loan request of Mongolian Mortgage Corporation LLC.
Decision : Decision adopted by the supporting votes of the Independent Board Directors
1. Discussed Item : Approval of general cooperation agreement
Decision : Approve the strategic partnership agreement of conditions and term extension established with Easy Pay LLC.
Decision : Decision adopted by the supporting votes of the Independent Board Directors
1. Discussed Item : Credit request of Tsetsens Mining and Energy LLC
Decision : To approve loan request of Tsetsens Mining and Energy LLC.
Decision : Decision adopted by the supporting votes of the Independent Board Directors
1. Discussed Item : Credit request related to Bayasgalan D.
Decision : To approve loan request of Bayasgalan D.
Decision : Decision adopted by the supporting votes of the Independent Board Directors
2. Discussed Item : Credit request related to Bodi International LLC
Decision : To approve credit line extension request of Bodi International LLC
Decision : Decision adopted by the supporting votes of the Independent Board Directors
1. Discussed Item : Credit request related to Easy Pay LLC
Decision : Approved to issue a credit line to Easy Pay LLC.
Decision : Decision adopted by the supporting votes of the Independent Board Directors
1. Discussed Item : Approval of Cooperation agreement
Decision : Grant the right to the Bank to establish cooperation agreement with Golomt Capital Securities LLC as per the conditions presented.
Decision : Decision adopted by the supporting votes of the Independent Board Directors
1. Discussed Item : Sale of bank real estate property
Decision : Grant the right to the Bank to sell 66.88 meter square Park Place office space to Easy Pay LLC.
Decision : Decision adopted by the supporting votes of the Independent Board Directors
No transaction has been made.
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